Hi, I'm Pastor Ron, and if you do not have a home church, I would like to invite you to join us here at L.E.D. Church!
We have a great team and congregation that love to work together and do our best to share the love of God with others and help as many people as we can.
We strive to follow the Word of God completely and build up those around us in order to develop an intimate relationship with God so that others may see and know His love, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, power, majesty, and be drawn to Him.
We decided to start L.E.D. Church in 2014 as a non-denominational church, but we are a church with a diverse set of religious influences. We have people with Pentecostal, Mennonite, Catholic and other religious backgrounds that have joined together in unity to glorify God and lift up the name of Jesus so that others may be saved by God through His Son Jesus Christ.
As far as educational background, I attended RHEMA Bible Training College in Broken Arrow, OK from 2003-2005 and completed the Pastoral Ministry program. Then in 2005-2006 I entered the School of Worship at RHEMA and graduated from that specialized training program as well.
We preach and believe the Word of God as the "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth", and do our very best to live by God's ways.
Once again, thank you for taking the time to visit our website, and we would love to have you join us for services sometime!
We also stream our services on Facebook Live.